Monetize Momentum Instead of Ideas

Monetize Momentum Instead of Ideas

Professionals have expert knowledge, experience, and innovative ideas.

It makes sense to build an online business.

But a year or two later, they’re doubting themselves and wondering if they’ll ever generate enough revenue to justify the long hours.

Too many entrepreneurs experience “failed success.”

It’s an oxymoron that describes someone who is faithfully creating content, has a growing social media following, but spends their time working in their business rather than on their business (a concept found in The E Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber).

It’s the result of ticked boxes—but the wrong boxes.

We have better resources, advanced technology, and more social media platforms, yet, entrepreneurs and freelancers struggle to earn sufficient revenue.



How Do Others Sell Premium Products?

The path to success varies. Although there are similarities, entrepreneurs find a way to differentiate themselves from the rest.

They focus on one transformational offer until it’s perfected. It’s an offer that fits their ideal audience.

Their premium offer becomes a finished puzzle assembled over time–piece by piece–a refinement of many surveys, conversations, and tests.

But their current marketing strategies aren’t necessarily our starting point. Established entrepreneurs do more and scale because they have teams and resources.


Choose the Right Puzzle

Have you ever worked on a puzzle with your child or grandchild?

When my granddaughter Audrey began putting puzzles together, she was a little tike. So, we started with a six-piece wooden puzzle.

As she grew, we tackled 300 and 500-piece puzzles. We used a little Mod Podge to preserve her accomplishments. It encouraged her to tackle a more complex puzzle.

At nine, we tackled a 750-piece puzzle. It was a colorful Thomas Kinkade Disney scene with Aladdin, the Genie, Jasmine, the Sultan, Rajah, and Abu. It took time and patience, but she was ready for the challenge.

As entrepreneurs, we must choose the puzzle size that fits our present growth stage.


Don’t Compare Yourself with Others

Monetize Momentum Instead of Ideas

Comparing your business to someone else’s business is dangerous.

Others make it sound easy. But it takes years to refine.

Their business is like a 10,000-piece puzzle, but we often think, how hard can it be?

We collect more and more ideas looking for the silver bullet, but we only need one.

Yes, we want to succeed, but our process needs to fit our business.


Launch Your Offer to a Small Group

Determine the transformational benefit you provide and start testing your offer with a LIVE audience.

You can create a four or six-week program and share your valuable content. The feedback and questions you received are pure gold.

Your small group will help you refine your offer before you launch again or create a digital course.

Share what you know and build from there. Not having all the answers isn’t a detriment. It just means you specialize in one area.

Here’s a great leadership quote that challenges us to embrace vulnerability and honesty.


“We might impress people with our strengths, but we connect with people through our weaknesses.” (Craig Groeschel)


Multiplication is Easier Than Addition

Choosing a simple path (or puzzle) doesn’t mean you can’t aspire to build something extraordinary. Continue to cultivate dreams that are bigger than yourself.

“Always make your future bigger than your past.” (Dan Sullivan)

While growing your business, don’t focus on adding more but on multiplying what you already have in place.

The best way to multiply your efforts is to remove complexity.

  • Improve your existing offer using the feedback you received from your first launch.
  • Aspire to do things better, faster, and systematically.
  • Automate and outsource as much as possible without compromising your product’s integrity.



Don’t Start Over; Course Correct

Each time you share your content with your target market, you’ll gain more clarity and know how to write the copy for your next launch.

Don’t be afraid to use your customer’s voice which is simply the language they use to explain their struggles or frustrations.

Gather testimonials and case studies.

If you created additional resources during your initial run-through, consider offering those as bonuses.

You don’t have to try to fit into someone else’s mold. Instead, develop your unique path as you help others succeed.

Once you validate your offer and create buzz and momentum, you see the finished puzzle you’ve assembled. 

You’re ready to create a lead magnet, email sequence, sales page, thank you page, and social media marketing strategy.


Stay Resilient!

Marisa Shadrick

Online Marketing Coach and Certified Copywriter

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