The Twisted Truth About Engaging Hooks

How to Create Engaging Hooks That Turn Casual Browsers into Readers: The Twisted Truth About Engaging Hooks!


I wanted to give you the latest insight on hooks. So, I asked a ten-year-old for some help.

My granddaughter, Audrey, loves Disney’s twisted tales. They’re at the top of her gift list for special occasions. Her most recent addition, “What if Ariel had never defeated Ursula? 


Why Are These Twisted Hooks So Compelling?

  • It’s a question
  • It’s a different perspective
  • It creates curiosity
  • It’s an open loop that needs closure
  • Audrey is the ideal “princess-loving” audience


What is a Hook?

A hook, simply put, can be the first line of your text – be it a blog title, an email subject line, or a social media caption. It can be a speech title, book title, or movie title. 

A killer hook grabs your readers’ attention and compels them to dive deeper into your content.


Understand Your Audience: The Key to a Powerful Hook

Before delving into the techniques of hook writing, it’s vital to emphasize the importance of knowing your audience. 

Audrey isn’t a fan of J.K. Rowling’s Fantastic Beasts or Suzanne Collins’s The Hunger Games. According to her, boys like those kinds of books

No matter how well-written or captivating these stories may be, these books don’t resonate with her. She’s not the right audience. 

It’s a lesson many content creators learn the hard way. Tailor your hook to your target audience’s interests, challenges, and curiosities to ensure it strikes a chord. While many know this, crafting a compelling hook remains a daunting challenge. 


Five Strategies for Crafting Compelling Hooks

  1. Start with a Question: Pose a question that targets your audience’s pain points or challenges. For instance, “Ever wonder why some content goes viral while yours doesn’t?”
  2. Use a Statistic: Incorporate a surprising statistic to shed new light on a common issue. For example, “Did you know that 8 out of 10 people will read headline copy, but only 2 out of 10 will read the rest?”
  3. Provocative Statement: Begin with a bold or controversial statement that challenges common perceptions or stirs emotion. You set the stage for a compelling narrative or argument, prompting readers to continue for an explanation or resolution.
  4. Leverage Social Proof: Utilize a testimonial or a quote from a recognized figure in your industry to add credibility and interest to your content.
  5. Trigger Their Imagination: Encourage readers to envision a scenario highlighting a different perspective or new approach. 


A Bonus Tip: The Keyword Balance

While it’s tempting to stuff hooks with keywords for SEO purposes, striking a balance is crucial. Don’t overuse keywords and risk compromising the integrity of your message or clarity of your hook.

Remember, your hook is the gateway to your content. It’s your first and often only chance to engage your audience. 

Use these tips to craft hooks that capture attention and resonate with your readers. 


The Twisted Truth About Engaging Hooks

Special thanks to Audrey France for offering her valuable insights on compelling hooks! 




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🎉🎊 As an online marketing consultant, I help independent coaches execute highly effective prospecting strategies to grow a client base that builds a profit-generating business.🎉

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