Increase Online Engagement and Clicks with One Simple Headline Tip

…the secret to a high-performing headline

Ever pause to think about why a book title catches your eye or why some movie titles make you say, “I’ve GOT to see that!”?

Whether we realize it or not, headlines constantly influence our day-to-day lives—they’re the key players that determine the books we read, the movies we watch, and even the articles we click on.


Headlines ARE the gatekeepers to your content that either invite your audience in or turn them away.

Unfortunately, a frequent mistake in headline writing is focusing on the means rather than the outcome. You know, words that explain your method so your audience can overcome, simplify, get, do, or discover, but for what final result?


Your headline must promise a result or outcome because readers are more interested in what they’ll ultimately gain.

If your headline does not emotionally compel them, they won’t read the rest of your content.


Below, I’ve provided a comparison to help you understand outcome-based headlines:

No Outcome

  • “Learn the Art of Email Marketing”
  • “Mastering SEO Techniques”
  • “How to Network Effectively”


Clear Outcome

  • “Double Your Email Open Rates in 30 Days”
  • “Rank #1 on Google and Boost Organic Traffic by 50%”
  • “Build a Network that Lands You Your Dream Job”


Look at your blog posts, emails, product offers, and website. Are they focused on the means or the outcome?

By emphasizing a clear outcome, your headline naturally becomes more enticing, driving greater engagement and conversions.


🎉🎊 As an online marketing consultant, I help independent coaches execute highly effective prospecting strategies to grow a client base that builds a profit-generating business.🎉

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