Episode #92 Where the Art of Story Meets the Business of Persuasion with Kelly Swanson
Hearing firsthand accounts of personal growth or overcoming challenges deeply impacts any audience. This approach is equally effective in the business world. Companies often showcase customer success stories, tapping into the motivational potential of these narratives to inspire action and build trust with their audience. Today, I am pleased to introduce Kelly Swanson, a celebrated storyteller. Kelly has dedicated […]
Improve Your Copywriting with Psychographic Insights
Improve your copywriting with psychographic insights instead of demographics! As a marketer, I vividly remember the days when crafting targeted campaigns meant focusing solely on demographics—age, gender, location—the surface-level details that only scratched the surface of understanding our audience. However, as a copywriter, I realized that a genuine connection means diving deeper into […]
Episode #90 Bullet Magic That Commands Attention and Action with Kathy Farah
Short, bite-sized pieces of copy can pack a punch when written well. That’s why I love bullets! We’re zeroing in on the power of bullets—those compact, curiosity-provoking dynamos of content—and how they can transform your message and captivate your audience. So, grab your note-taking tools, and let’s amplify your writing skills! In this episode, you’ll […]
Transform Your Copywriting To Build Lasting Connections
Did you know copywriting can transform your communication and build lasting connections? If you have an online business and you’re writing content, you’re a copywriter. The role of a copywriter goes beyond simply putting words on a page. It involves understanding your audience, the market, and the industry. Here’s how you can strengthen your connections and ensure […]
5 Steps to Uncover Your Unique Marketing Advantage
🌟Ever felt like a hidden gem in a sea of online sameness? Here are five steps to uncover your unique marketing advantage. When someone asks, “How are you different from others in your industry?” What do you say?The secret, my friend, isn’t locked in a vault. The truth is, you’re already unique. Yes, YOU! Many […]
Episode #86 Copy Tips to Create Powerful Lead Magnets with Kathy Farah
Let’s get straight to the point—words are powerful, especially when capturing online leads; use these copy tips to create powerful lead magnets. If you’ve ever scratched your head wondering, “How do I get more subscribers from my lead magnet?” then drop everything and tune into this episode → Convert Kit Email Strategist Kathy Farah joins […]
Ensure Your Website Makeover Reflects Your Message and Services
First impressions matter, so use these pro copywriting tips to ensure your website makeover reflects your message and services. It’s too easy to let months, or even years, pass without reviewing your existing online assets. I confess that happened to me. It got away from me, and now I’m investing time in “Operation Website Makeover.” […]
Master AI Prompts for Marketing Magic
In this post, I’ll share some insights to help you master AI prompts for marketing magic. I’m preparing for a 2,000-mile relocation to TN this May. The daunting three-day journey prompted our family to organize a moving sale.Naturally, as the household marketer, I had to write the promotional ad. Not keen on spending Saturday crafting […]
Episode #82 Headline Copywriting: Secrets that Captivate and Convert with Kathy Farah
Are you ready to turn heads by improving your headline copywriting? Discover secrets that captivate and convert your lead magnets. In today’s “Amplify Your Authority” podcast, I’m joined by special host guest Kathy Farah, a ConvertKit email marketing strategist who brings her expertise to our lively discussion on creating compelling headlines. We dive into the […]
Breaking the Mold: How Newsletters Defy the Myth
Warning. I’m going to share something contrary to popular opinion. It’s time to break the mold and discover how newsletters defy the myth. In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, the landscape is constantly evolving. Many entrepreneurs find themselves frustrated with the performance of their traditional lead magnets, such as a free PDF “quick win” […]